
Biden’s Secret War on Free Speech: Facebook & Instagram Exposed!

In a shocking revelation, it has come to light that the Biden Administration has been pressuring Facebook and Instagram to censor Americans who dare to spread “misinformation.” House Judiciary Committee chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) exposed the documents that provide undeniable evidence of this disturbing collaboration between the government and social media giants.

It appears that Facebook and Instagram were provided with lists of posts, including harmless memes, that went against the narratives pushed by the Biden Administration on COVID-19 and vaccine policies. Can you believe it? The audacity! This is a blatant attack on free speech and an attempt to control the narrative by silencing dissenting voices.

One revealing email from a Facebook employee to CEO Mark Zuckerberg and COO Sheryl Sandberg shows that external stakeholders, including the Biden White House, were continuously pressuring the social media giant to censor content. It’s despicable that the government is using its power to strong-arm private companies into doing its bidding.

Even Facebook’s president for global affairs, Nick Clegg, admitted in an email that a list of the top 100 vaccine-related posts was shared with the White House. This means that the government had direct influence over what content should or should not be visible to the public. It’s a clear infringement on our right to freedom of expression.

To make matters worse, the Biden Administration even demanded the removal of posts from prominent figures like Tucker Carlson. Facebook, in a pathetic attempt to appease the White House, decided to limit the exposure of Carlson’s post by 50%. This is an outrageous attack on conservative voices and a dangerous precedent for the future of free speech in our country.

As if we needed any more evidence, in August 2021, Facebook decided to change its policies to aggressively censor “misinformation.” But who gets to decide what counts as misinformation? It’s quite convenient that it aligns perfectly with the Biden Administration’s agenda. This is a clear case of Big Tech acting as the government’s puppet, suppressing any view that doesn’t align with the leftist narrative.

It’s deeply concerning to see how the Biden Administration is playing puppet master with social media platforms and curbing our freedom of speech. We must fight against this censorship and demand that our elected officials respect and protect our constitutional rights. The First Amendment guarantees our right to speak our minds and express our opinions, and we cannot allow the government to trample on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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