
Biden’s Sleep Apnea: Hidden Health Crisis Threatens Presidency!

In a shocking revelation, it has been discovered that President Joe Biden has been using a CPAP machine to treat his sleep apnea. This new development raises serious concerns about his cognitive abilities and overall health. It is a fact that has been clear to many for quite some time now – Joe Biden is not fit to be President.

Sleep apnea can deprive the brain of oxygen during sleep, leading to cognitive decline. Multiple studies have shown a significant link between sleep apnea and dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease. Given President Biden’s age and his previous brain aneurysms, this news is particularly troubling.

What is even more concerning is the fact that President Biden has been dealing with sleep apnea since 2008. Why hasn’t this information been disclosed to the public until now? And if he has been suffering from sleep apnea for over a decade, has he been using a CPAP machine all this time? These are important questions that demand answers.

The marks left on the President’s face by the CPAP mask have also raised eyebrows. Usually, these marks recede within minutes, but in President Biden’s case, they seem to persist. This could be an indication of a more severe sleep apnea problem or other underlying health issues.

It is undeniable that President Biden’s cognitive decline is apparent to anyone who watches him. Even the typically liberal Piers Morgan has commented on it. With his history of brain aneurysms and the potential aggravating effect of sleep apnea, it is evident that he is not mentally fit to hold office.

The presidency is an incredibly demanding job that requires stamina, discipline, and sound judgment. Unfortunately, President Biden has demonstrated shortcomings in all these areas. He has long struggled with intelligence, integrity, and now we can add stamina and judgment to the list. It is clear that he is not up to the task and should resign immediately.

If he refuses to step down, his Cabinet should initiate the 25th Amendment proceedings to remove him from office. Yes, this would put Vice President Kamala Harris in charge, which may not be ideal, but it would pave the way for a Republican victory in the 2024 election. At this point, anything would be better than having President Biden continue to make decisions that affect the future of our country.

It’s time for President Biden to face the reality of his cognitive decline and put the best interests of the country first. The American people deserve a leader who is mentally fit and capable of making sound decisions. Enough is enough.

Source: Red State

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