
Biden’s Sly Surprise: Booby Trap Set for Future GOP Leaders!

In a sneaky move, President Joe Biden is apparently setting up roadblocks to make it harder for future Republican presidents to control the country’s left-leaning bureaucracy, according to a report from the New York Sun. Betsy McCaughey explains that the Biden administration is putting measures in place that could hinder the efforts of future GOP leaders to rein in the bureaucracy, making it even more difficult to reverse or change policies in the future. This seems like a sly way to make sure the current administration’s favored policies stay in place, even if the political landscape shifts.

Apparently, only 4,000 of the 2.2 million federal civil employees are presidential appointees, meaning the vast majority of these bureaucrats stick around regardless of who’s in charge. And guess what? The overwhelming majority of these federal employees who donate to political candidates give to Democrats, with only a measly 5 percent supporting Republicans. So, it’s no wonder that some of these bureaucrats may slow-walk or even derail a Republican president’s agenda without consequence.

But let’s be real, folks. This is not how things are supposed to work. We should be able to trust that the bureaucracy will carry out the president’s agenda, not their own. Candidates like President Trump, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Governor DeSantis are promising to address this problem head-on and make sure career bureaucrats implement the president’s agenda, not their own.

Now, Biden wasted no time in revoking an executive order issued by Trump that would have given the administration more power to remove job protections from career federal employees. Theoretically, this would have made these employees more politically susceptible. But fear not, because the Biden administration wants to make sure these workers keep their job protections, even if their positions are reclassified.

Look, folks, this tactic is not just disturbing because it goes against the peaceful transition of power. It also undermines our democratic process. If future Republican presidents can’t navigate or change the bureaucratic structure, it could cause even more tension between the executive branch and the bureaucracy. And let me tell you, our nation is divided enough as it is. We don’t need more polarization.

But hey, this is just another move in the political chess game happening in Washington. And it looks like the consequences of these moves will be felt for years to come. So buckle up, folks, because things are about to get interesting.

Written by Staff Reports

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