
Biden’s Solution to Border Crisis: Schools to Stock Up Narcan!

In a shocking revelation, Border Patrol agents have discovered that enough fentanyl was seized in 2023 alone to kill every American citizen. This terrifying reality underscores the devastating consequences of President Biden’s open border policies. As the country grapples with the fentanyl crisis, the White House has now taken the initiative to address the rising number of fentanyl-related deaths among American children.

President Biden and Education Secretary Miguel Cardona have sent a letter to U.S. school officials, urging them to stock up on Narcan and train teachers on how to administer the life-saving drug. In their letter, they emphasize the importance of preventing youth drug use and ensuring that every school is equipped with naloxone. While the administration claims that naloxone access can reduce overdose death rates, it conveniently fails to acknowledge the root cause of the issue – Biden’s negligent border policies.

It is alarming to see fentanyl, a substance 100 times more potent than morphine and 50 times more potent than heroin, infiltrating our schools. Due to the border crisis caused by Biden, cartel-affiliated illegal migrants have been able to smuggle fentanyl into the country with ease. This dangerous drug then finds its way into communities, putting innocent lives at risk.

The dire consequences of Biden’s inaction are evident. In October, there were at least eight overdoses among students at Park View High School in Loudoun County, Virginia. These tragic incidents were likely caused by counterfeit oxycodone pills laced with fentanyl. Rebecca Kiessling, a grieving mother who lost her two sons to fentanyl overdoses, testified before the House Homeland Security Committee, pointing fingers at Biden for her sons’ deaths. She demanded that he take responsibility and urgently address the increasing fentanyl-related fatalities.

According to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), fentanyl is being mixed into various street drugs and counterfeit pills. This deadly substance originates from China and is then trafficked into U.S. communities by Mexican drug cartels through the wide-open southern border. It is abundantly clear that Biden’s disastrous policies have paved the way for this crisis to unfold.

It is imperative that we hold the Biden administration accountable for the devastating consequences of their open border policies. The safety and well-being of American children should be a top priority, and it’s time for Biden to take immediate action to secure our borders and put an end to the fentanyl epidemic. Our schools should be places of learning and growth, not scenes of tragedy and despair.

Written by Staff Reports

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