
Bidens Staggering Blunder Unbelievable Comment on Hamas and Gaza Aid

In a recent announcement, Joe Biden declared that he intends to send an additional $100 million in aid to Gaza and the West Bank. This raises some valid concerns that need to be addressed. Firstly, has Congress even approved this plan? It’s important to follow proper procedures and ensure that the decision is supported by the appropriate channels. Secondly, why are we sending aid to people who have shown nothing but disdain for us? It seems counterintuitive to assist those who hate us. Lastly, what guarantees do we have that this aid won’t end up in the hands of Hamas, who are known to control the area? We need to ensure that our efforts are not inadvertently supporting terrorists.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken had hinted at this plan a day prior, but his claims about ensuring the aid goes to the people and not Hamas are simply hard to believe. It’s concerning to see such naivety from our administration. Blinken stated that if Hamas were to take the aid, the Biden team would condemn it, but continue sending aid regardless. This shows a lack of resolve and understanding of the severity of the situation. Hamas is not going to be deterred by empty condemnations. This administration needs to be more proactive and strategic in its approach.

Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer added to the frustration with his comments on CNN. When asked about ensuring the aid doesn’t end up in Hamas’ hands, Finer claimed it was a “primary focus” for Biden during his visit to Israel. However, his explanation for how they plan to accomplish this is bewildering. Finer suggested that an “understanding” with Hamas fighters, who control the checkpoints, the Israeli government, and the Egyptian government would prevent misappropriation of the aid. This is an absurd notion. We cannot rely on terrorists to protect aid from themselves. It just doesn’t make sense.

It’s disheartening to see the Biden administration prioritize aid to Gaza over other pressing matters, such as the Americans still being held hostage and seeking justice for those who have been killed. Their misplaced priorities and ineffective strategies are alarming. It’s time for a more thoughtful and sensible approach to foreign assistance.

Written by Staff Reports

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