
Biden’s Watch Fiasco: Grieving Dad Exposes Heartless Truth at Dover Ceremony!

This month, we mark the first anniversary of the Kabul attacks, a tragedy that left thirteen brave American service members dead. It’s a grim reminder of the chaos and incompetence that defined Joe Biden’s withdrawal from Afghanistan. Despite the disastrous scenes at the airport, where Afghans desperately tried to escape alongside U.S. Air Force personnel, Biden justified his decision by claiming it was an endless war that the United States had no interest in. Well, tell that to the Taliban, who have now reclaimed the country and are poised to invite terrorists back in with open arms. Bravo, Biden!

But let’s talk about Biden’s indifference, shall we? During the transfer of the fallen heroes’ bodies at Dover, what was he doing? Constantly glancing at his watch. It’s clear where his priorities lie – certainly not with grieving Gold Star families or honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice. And don’t get us started on his audacity to call himself a Gold Star father. His son, Beau, tragically died of brain cancer, not in combat. It’s just another lie in a long list of deceptions from this administration.

Speaking of Gold Star families, one father had the courage to speak truth to power. Mark Schmitz, the father of Marine Lance Cpl. Jared Schmitz, who was killed in the Kabul bombing, didn’t hold back when he addressed the House Foreign Affairs Committee. He called Biden a “disgrace to this nation” and accused him of having more American blood on his hands than any other president in history. And you know what? He’s right.

Schmitz pointed out the lack of accountability and the president’s refusal to even say the names of those who sacrificed their lives. He tore into Biden, expressing regret for not confronting him face-to-face in Dover. But who could blame him for holding his tongue when he had the weight of his son’s lifeless body to bear? While Biden nonchalantly checked his watch over and over again, Schmitz fought the urge to shout, “It’s 2 —-ing 30, —hole!” Talk about a man pushed to the breaking point.

It’s clear that Biden stole the lives, futures, and dreams of these brave service members. His refusal to take responsibility and apologize is a slap in the face to all those who mourn their loved ones. And with the Taliban back in control and armed with the weapons we left behind, it’s almost certain that we’ll have to re-invade Afghanistan in the future. Thanks for the mess, Biden. Your lack of leadership and disastrous decisions have consequences, and America is paying the price.

Written by Staff Reports

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