
Biden’s Web of Lies: WH Spox Ducks Hunter Scandal!

In another astounding display of liberal deceit, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre danced around the question of President Joe Biden’s sketchy connections to his son, Hunter Biden’s, shady business dealings. When pressed for an answer about Biden’s blatant lies regarding his involvement in his son’s questionable foreign business ventures, Jean-Pierre did not have the guts to deny the truth, further perpetuating the web of deceit woven by the Biden administration.

Jealously guarding her boss, Jean-Pierre shamelessly deflected by stating that Republican lawmakers were wasting time on an impeachment inquiry against the president. Classic liberal behavior – avoiding accountability and pointing fingers elsewhere. It’s like a child caught with their hand in the cookie jar, blaming the dog for the missing cookies!

Not surprisingly, Jean-Pierre had the audacity to claim there was “zero evidence” of any wrongdoing on the part of President Biden, despite mounting evidence that Hunter Biden leveraged his father’s position for personal gain, benefiting the Biden family in the process. And let’s not forget about Hunter Biden’s federal tax charges! But instead of coming clean, Jean-Pierre shamelessly defended Biden, refusing to acknowledge his documented meetings and phone conversations with his son’s shady business associates. It’s like a game of political dodgeball, and the American people are the ones getting hit in the face!

But Jean-Pierre didn’t stop there. She shamelessly turned the tables on Republicans, diverting attention away from the real issue at hand. It’s the oldest trick in the liberal playbook – when caught red-handed, create a distraction and change the subject. All the while, the true concerns of hardworking Americans are left unaddressed.

And let’s not forget the icing on the cake – President Biden himself shamelessly lied about his interactions with his son’s foreign business associates. When questioned, he brazenly denied any involvement and dismissed the accusations as “lies.” But one of Hunter Biden’s own former business associates called out Biden’s denial as “complete malarkey,” insisting that there is plenty of evidence to discredit his falsehoods. It’s like watching a magician perform a sleight of hand, hoping no one notices the truth disappearing into thin air.

So, there you have it, folks. Another day, another chapter in the never-ending saga of liberal deception. It’s like trying to nail Jell-O to the wall, and the American people are left to clean up the sticky mess. When will the truth prevail? Only time will tell in this circus of political smoke and mirrors. Stay tuned for the next episode of “As the White House Turns.”

Written by Staff Reports

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