
Big Pharma & Gov Collusion Threatens Free Market Medicine

In recent news, there has been a treacherous alliance forming between Big Pharma and Big Government. This unholy union has set its sights on trampling all over free market solutions in the prescription drug world, targeting the Pharmacy Benefit Managers (PBMs). These PBMs are the only ones keeping the big pharmaceutical companies in check and preventing them from gouging Americans with sky-high prices for their much-needed medications. It’s like a showdown at the OK Corral, but with prescription drugs!

This assault on PBMs would be a complete betrayal of America’s core values of a free market economy. If these policies were to come to pass, it would be like sending Big Pharma a golden invitation to rake in mountains of cash at the expense of hardworking American patients, taxpayers, and business owners. It’s like putting the fox in charge of the henhouse!

One particularly nefarious proposal, known as “delinking,” seeks to remove the incentives for PBMs to negotiate higher rebates from the big pharmaceutical companies. If this were to happen, brace yourself because the result would be higher health care costs for everyone – patients, taxpayers, and businesses alike! It would be like getting a bill for a steak dinner when all you ordered was a side salad.

Some politicians, like Sen. Bernie Sanders and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, have declared their undying love for these proposals, citing them as crucial steps towards their ultimate goal of a fully government-run health care system. It’s like they’re trying to turn America into a full-blown socialist paradise!

Thankfully, conservative heroes like Sen. Rand Paul and former Sen. Pat Toomey are standing up against these disastrous policies. Sen. Paul warns that these measures could actually lead to higher drug prices, which would then pave the way for a government-controlled health care system. It’s like a horror movie where the monsters are actually trying to make their nightmare a reality!

Other conservative voices, like Rep. Bill Johnson, caution against putting all our eggs in the PBM basket. While PBMs do play a role in lowering drug costs, inserting the federal government into the private market could have dire consequences. It’s like trying to fix a leaky faucet with a sledgehammer – it’s bound to cause more harm than good!

Conservatives from all walks of life are joining forces to oppose these misguided anti-PBM policies. With their wide-reaching concerns about the impact on American patients, small businesses, and the free market, it’s like the cavalry coming to the rescue just in the nick of time!

The battle rages on, but the resistance is growing stronger with every passing day. It’s like the underdog rising up to take on the big, bad bullies. Let’s hope that the conservative lawmakers can hold the line and stop these Big Government mandates in their tracks. It’s like the final showdown in an epic Western, and freedom-loving Americans are counting on them to emerge victorious!

Written by Staff Reports

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