
Big Players Subpoenaed: Feds Take Aim at Social Media Censorship?

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) is not messing around. He has subpoenaed the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) because he wants answers. According to Jordan, he wants to know if these agencies have been teaming up with social media companies to censor content protected by the First Amendment. And do you know what content he specifically wants answers about? The Hunter Biden laptop story from 2020. That’s right, folks, the story that the liberal media tried so hard to cover up.

Now, Jordan has asked the DOJ and FBI to hand over all their internal documents and communications regarding the moderation, suppression, or removal of content on private companies’ platforms. He wants to get to the bottom of how much the Executive Branch has been involved in coercing and colluding with these companies to stifle free speech. And he wants these documents by September 15th.

But here’s the kicker, folks. Jordan is not happy with what he’s gotten so far. In fact, he described the one document they provided as “woefully inadequate.” It seems like these agencies are hiding something, doesn’t it? And we can’t forget about that federal judge who issued an injunction, telling the Biden administration to stop all the censorship-related communications with social media companies. It’s pretty clear that the DOJ and FBI have some explaining to do.

It’s about time someone stood up for our First Amendment rights. Kudos to Chairman Jordan for demanding transparency and holding these agencies accountable. We need to know if our own government is working against us and stifling free speech. The American people deserve to know the truth, and let’s hope that the DOJ and FBI finally start cooperating.

Written by Staff Reports

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