
Bill Maher and Andrew Cuomo Slam Liberal Talking Points and Immigration Policies

Bill Maher, a known liberal darling, is finding himself in the unusual position of eviscerating the very talking points he once adored. Perhaps the sanity bug bit him, or he simply couldn’t ignore the sheer incompetence of the current administration any longer. When Maher called out the liberals and their beloved talking points, the quiet in the room was deafening. It’s almost like his audience realized, in a moment of clarity, the disaster they’ve been cheerleading.

And the plot thickens. Who could have predicted that former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo would join Maher in torching the liberal agenda? Together, they took aim at the Left’s cherished causes. The Russia collusion narrative, it seems, has fizzled out even among true believers. Instead, it’s now all about abortion, demonizing Trump, and advocating for open borders until the cows come home.

Maher warned that immigration could derail the Democrats on Election Day. He’s not wrong. The American people are waking up to the hazards of unchecked immigration. When criminal aliens run rampant, committing heinous acts against citizens, it’s no wonder that public sentiment is shifting dramatically. Now, a majority of Hispanics support mass deportation of illegal aliens. Yes, you heard that right. Trump outstrips Biden by over twenty points among Latinos on immigration issues. Maher rightly points out that the Democrats’ attempt to be so un-racist ironically exposes their own prejudices, failing to see Latinos as fully American.

Andrew Cuomo piled on, too. His critique was as poignant as it was damning. The Democrats invited a flood of illegal immigrants with no plan for housing, jobs, or healthcare. Taxpayers are footing astronomical bills, hotels are commandeered, and diseases like measles are spreading. It was all about the ideology with zero thought for the consequences.

Do Maher and Cuomo make valid points? Absolutely, but their true intention might be to push Biden into action on the border issue. Problem is, that ship has sailed. Any move Biden makes now will seem like a thinly veiled political maneuver. Meanwhile, Mayor Eric Adams of New York amplifies the chaos, approving pre-paid credit cards for illegal immigrants even after admitting the influx might ruin the city. It’s a circus of incompetence, with Biden at the center ring.

Written by Staff Reports

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