
Bipartisan Bill Crushes China’s Cunning Land Grab Scheme in US

In a stunning display of bipartisan cooperation, lawmakers in Congress are taking a stand against China’s sly tactics of buying up land across the United States. Led by the fearless Chairman Mike Gallagher and Rep. Mike Thompson, this new legislation aims to put a stop to the Chinese Communist Party’s devious game of encroaching on our sacred territory.

Now, I know what you’re thinking. Who in their right mind would let the Communist Party of China own land near sensitive military installations? Well, the good news is that our brave legislators have your back. If this bill passes, it would give the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) the power to block any shady land purchases by China and other adversarial entities. Talk about taking a swipe at the Chinese Communist Party!

This legislation doesn’t stop there, folks. It even has provisions to protect our precious food security. I mean, let’s be real here, we can’t have the CCP secretly controlling our food supply. That’s just asking for trouble. So, this bill would ensure that when it comes to farmland and agriculture technology, CFIUS takes a closer look. It’s about time we put our own people first!

But hold on to your hats, because that’s not all. This bill also establishes a “presumption of non-resolvability” for land purchases near sensitive sites like military bases and intelligence facilities. Basically, it raises the bar for any sneaky foreign adversary trying to get their hands on key strategic locations. We’re talking major protection for our servicemembers and our critical technology. Nicely done, Chairman Gallagher!

Now, it may come as no surprise that some folks are concerned. But let me tell you, Rep. Ashley Hinson hit the nail on the head when she called out the Chinese Communist Party for their calculated attempts to control our food supply. It’s not a coincidence, people. They know what they’re doing, and we can’t let them succeed.

So, let’s hope this bipartisan legislation makes its way through Congress at warp speed. We’ve got to protect our sacred land, our servicemembers, and our food security from those conniving Chinese Communist Party cronies. It’s time to show them that America won’t be fooled by their land grab any longer. Stay vigilant, patriots!

Written by Staff Reports

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