
Black Caucus Turns to Justice Dept: Wants To Overhaul Florida Ed Standards!

The Black Caucus is once again using the federal government's power to exert its will on states. This time, they're targeting Florida's history education standards. They're asking the Biden administration to investigate if the curriculum violates the civil rights of students.

Their main issue is that the standards for slavery acknowledge the positive effects of the practice and how slaves were able to develop their skills for personal use.

Democrats are outraged by the inclusion of this controversial language in Florida's history curriculum. They claim that the state's Republican leaders are trying to “water down” America's history. However, this argument fails to take into account the fact that other states have similar teaching materials. If Democrats want to make a claim of discrimination, they would have a hard time doing so since this is a common occurrence in all of the country's history classes.

The main issue is the overreach by the federal government. It's not the role of bureaucrats in Washington to decide how educational standards should be set in a state. The idea that the Democratic Party would use the power of the federal government to force a state to adopt new standards is absurd. It would set a dangerous precedent and allow the government to control education even further.

The lesson learned from authoritarians is that once they establish a foothold in a certain area, they will quickly expand their power base. If the Black Caucus wants to use the federal government to implement its ideas on education, what can be done to prevent them from doing so? We already see how progressive ideas are being taught in schools across the country. A federal takeover would only make matters worse.

Despite the ongoing debate regarding Florida's education standards, it's important that the Democratic Party does not attempt to take over the process. This is a local matter and should not be handled by the ruling class in Washington. Instead, it should be left to the people to decide.

Written by Staff Reports

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