
Black Philadelphia Voter Supports Trump Due to Biden Economic Policies

In a surprising twist that surely has the left clutching their pearls, a black voter from Philadelphia is throwing his support behind former President Donald Trump, citing a disastrous economy under the current administration. Naomi Miller, a first-time voter, appeared on NewsNation and made it clear that the Biden-Harris duo is doing more harm than good, leading plenty of voters to reconsider their choices as the election season heats up.

Since President Joe Biden stepped into the Oval Office back in January 2021, the American public has faced skyrocketing prices, with a staggering 20% increase in general costs. The consumer price index (CPI), which is basically the thing that makes everyone’s wallets feel lighter, hit a four-decade high of 9% in June 2022. Miller expressed that when picking a candidate for the upcoming November election, it’s all about evaluating policies—not which candidate has the catchiest slogan or coolest hairstyles. He believes voting for Trump this year is a bold statement needed to address the economic struggles many Americans are facing.

Under Trump, the CPI only grew by 1.4% in January 2021 when he left office, and gas prices were comfortably below $2.25 per gallon. Fast forward to today, and the average American is faced with higher prices and fewer choices. A poll by RealClearPolitics indicates that Biden’s approval rating on economic issues is sitting at a dismal 38.8%, a clear drop in satisfaction during his time in office. This marks a troubling sign for Democrats as they try to convince voters that their policies are working, despite evidence to the contrary.

Not everyone is jumping on the Trump bandwagon, however. A Pennsylvania voter named Deanna Beloschtsky is sticking with Vice President Kamala Harris, claiming she fights for “freedom and rights,” particularly when it comes to reproductive matters. One has to wonder, though—does that freedom extend to voters feeling the pinch at the grocery store, or is it a selective freedom in a bubble of policies that make it easier for certain groups while leaving others in financial turmoil? 


In head-to-head matchups the polls show Harris narrowly leading Trump in Pennsylvania by 0.5% and by 1.8% nationally. Though it appears that the Democrats may have a slight edge at this moment, history shows that economically distressed voters can swing elections faster than a kid on a sugar high. Harris has proposed a range of economically questionable policies, such as swinging the Federal Trade Commission’s gavel to smite grocery stores for alleged “price gouging,” while also playing around with corporate tax rates, moving them from 21% to 28%.

It’s clear that voters are starting to look beyond traditional alliances and analyzing which policies truly resonate with their everyday lives. With rising prices and an increasingly problematic economy, one thing is certain: the upcoming election is shaping up to be a battle not just between candidates, but between ideologies that will have real impacts on American wallets.

Written by Staff Reports

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