
Blind Hogs Find Acorn: Biden’s Rare Correct Move, GOP Slams Pro-Hamas Lawmakers!

The Biden administration has faced ample criticism from conservatives like me, but let's acknowledge when they make a correct call – they rightly criticized lawmakers who support Hamas. It's about time someone pointed out these "misguided" and "shameful" individuals.

The White House was unequivocal in its stance, highlighting that statements from members of Congress advocating for a ceasefire in Israel instead of offering full support to the country are fundamentally misguided. While some lawmakers may believe they are taking a progressive and compassionate stance by equating the actions of Hamas terrorists with Israel's measures, they are profoundly mistaken.

In reality, there exists a stark moral contrast between the two sides in this conflict. One side ruthlessly targets unarmed civilians, mercilessly murders innocent families, and stoops to heinous acts like beheading babies. The other side, though responding with force, goes to great lengths to minimize civilian casualties. It's evident which side represents civilization and which side consists of barbarism.

Take, for example, one member of the Squad, Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who audaciously called for the dismantling of what she termed an "apartheid system" in Israel. This only underscores her profound ignorance regarding the situation. Israel is a democracy with Arab citizens who serve in Parliament, own property, hold jobs, and exercise their right to vote just like any other Israeli citizen. Labeling Israel an "apartheid" state is a gross distortion of the facts.

It is deeply troubling how the radical Left remains silent in the face of terrorist atrocities yet rushes to condemn peaceful protests. The Biden administration deserves credit for recognizing the clear lines in this conflict and taking a stand against those who support Hamas. Anyone who endorses such a violent and depraved organization falls short of the ideals associated with being an American.

So, let's commend the Biden administration for getting something right at last. But it's important not to overlook the other issues we take with their governance. Undoubtedly, there will be ample more to critique in the days to come.

Written by Staff Reports

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