
Boeing Whistleblower Dies Amid Safety Concern Allegations

A quality auditor for a Boeing supplier in Kansas passed away this week at the age of 45. The man, Joshua Dean, was diagnosed with pneumonia and then MRSA. He had previously raised concerns about manufacturing defects on Boeing’s 737 MAX, claiming that these concerns were being disregarded.

Dean became ill about two weeks ago and also suffered a stroke. Unfortunately, he passed away following a difficult battle with illness. Dean was fired from his job after reporting defects in the 737 MAX, and he then filed a complaint stating that his termination was in retaliation for his actions.

There have also been reports of another whistleblower, John Barnett, who was found dead in March. His death was ruled a suicide. Both whistleblowers had raised concerns about Boeing aircraft, with Salehpour stating that the 787 Dreamliners could potentially have production issues that could lead to dangerous midair incidents.

The lawyer representing Dean declined to speculate on the deaths of the two whistleblowers. He emphasized the importance of whistleblowers in bringing attention to wrongdoing and corruption. It has been stated that Dean’s concerns about defects in the 737 MAX were eventually addressed, after he was no longer working for the company.

These incidents highlight the importance of addressing safety concerns in the aircraft manufacturing industry. Whistleblowers play a crucial role in raising awareness about potential safety risks and ensuring that appropriate actions are taken to address them.

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