
Bold Biden Gun Scandal Exposes Stunning Secret Service Cover-Up!

Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden, is facing federal charges related to a gun crime. The incident in question occurred in 2018 when Hunter allegedly lied on paperwork to buy a firearm. He stated that he was not addicted to illegal substances, despite later admitting in a memoir and media interviews that he was abusing drugs at the time. This indictment has raised concerns about how law enforcement handled the case when it first happened.

Back in October 2018, Hunter Biden’s then-girlfriend Hallie Biden found the gun in his truck and decided to toss it into a dumpster outside a luxury food market. When Hunter found out, he told Hallie to retrieve the gun, but it had already disappeared by the time she did so. The store’s general manager notified the police, but no action was taken. This is concerning considering the gun was disposed of near a high school.

Adding to the confusion, Secret Service agents reportedly showed up at the gun store and demanded to take the purchase paperwork. The store owner refused to hand it over. It is unclear why the Secret Service was involved in this matter. Some speculate that Joe Biden may have had a hand in their actions, as he maintained an unofficial relationship with the Secret Service during his time as vice president.

These new developments raise questions about why Delaware police did not take any action when the gun incident occurred. It also raises concerns about the involvement of the Secret Service and their potential role in covering up the incident. House Republicans have expressed skepticism about the charges against Hunter Biden, suggesting that they may not be a serious attempt to hold him accountable.

It is important to hold individuals accountable for their actions, regardless of their familial or political connections. The American people deserve transparency and fairness in our justice system. These charges against Hunter Biden should not be dismissed lightly.

Written by Staff Reports

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