
Booming: Unexpected GOP Dark Horse Romps to Double-Digit Third Place!

Folks, folks, hold on to your hats because we’ve got a Republican contender who’s shaking up the political scene! Vivek Ramaswamy, a 37-year-old multimillionaire, has come out of nowhere and is now making double digits in the polls. Yes, you heard it right, double digits! Move over Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis, because Ramaswamy is nipping at your heels.

According to a recent Echelon Insights survey conducted in late June, Ramaswamy has garnered an impressive 10 percent of support from Republican voters. Now, I know some of you may be thinking, “That’s not a lot,” but let’s put it in perspective. He’s up against the former president, who’s sitting pretty at 49 percent, and the popular Florida governor with 16 percent. It’s quite a feat for a relative unknown to be rubbing shoulders with such heavyweights.

But it doesn’t stop there, folks. Ramaswamy’s name recognition and favorability are also on the rise, as shown in Morning Consult’s latest survey. The man is making waves, and the establishment politicians better start taking notice.

What sets Ramaswamy apart from the pack is his fearless approach to politics. He shocked the nation when he challenged all other Republican candidates to commit to pardoning Trump if he faces federal charges. Talk about a bold move! Ramaswamy believes in standing for truth and principles over politics. Don’t we all wish more politicians would do the same?

Now, let’s talk about the left’s response to Ramaswamy. You know they’re feeling the heat when they start resorting to their go-to tactics of personal attacks. The Quad-City Times published a blatantly racist cartoon portraying Ramaswamy as an “anti-woke crusader.” It’s the same old playbook they’ve used against Clarence Thomas, Donald Trump, and Tucker Carlson. It’s their desperate attempt to shut down anyone who challenges their woke agenda.

But Ramaswamy didn’t back down. Oh no, he fought back gracefully and exposed the paper’s bigotry for all to see. And what did the paper do? Issue a half-hearted apology, claiming the cartoon slipped through their editorial process. Yeah, right. We’re not buying it.

What’s refreshing about Ramaswamy is his unapologetic conservative stance. He boldly declares that abortion is a form of murder and that it should be left up to the states to decide, not the federal government. It’s a position rooted in both principle and the Constitution. And when he schooled former CNN host Don Lemon on civil rights, he showed that he knows his stuff. Ramaswamy is not afraid to challenge the left’s narrative and bring forth his own ideas.

In case there was any doubt, let me make it clear: Ramaswamy is the real deal. His clarity of thought and exceptional communication skills have caught the attention of the nation. And here’s the kicker, my friends: he means what he says. He’s not playing politics or pandering to the naysayers on the left. Ramaswamy is here to fight for conservative values, and he’s not backing down.

So, let’s not underestimate this rising star. While winning the nomination may be a long shot, Ramaswamy has certainly built a case for strong consideration as a potential vice president. With his America First 2.0 plan that challenges the status quo and his steadfast commitment to conservative principles, Ramaswamy is a force to be reckoned with.

Who knows what the future holds for this bold and fresh face in Republican politics? All we can say is, watch out, Washington. Vivek Ramaswamy is here to stay.

Source: RedState

Written by Staff Reports

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