
Border Crisis Hits New High: 33% Spike Pokes Hole in Biden’s Reality Bubble!

Despite the Biden Administration’s supposed reassurances, the numbers don’t lie. Illegal border crossings have skyrocketed to new heights in July, leaving no doubt that the border is overwhelmed. U.S. Customs and Border Patrol agents apprehended a whopping 136,652 migrants in July, a massive 33 percent increase from the previous month. This surge comes after a brief decline in June, which was touted by the Biden Administration as a sign of progress.

What’s even more troubling is the significant rise in adult apprehensions. Out of the 136,652 migrants apprehended in July, a staggering 60,161 were adults, a whopping 40 percent increase from the previous year. It’s clear that these individuals are not just innocent children seeking a better life, but rather adults taking advantage of the lax immigration policies put in place by the current administration.

And it’s not just Mexico and Central American countries that are contributing to this crisis. Migrants from outside these regions accounted for roughly 49,000 apprehensions, a trend that is only growing. This raises serious concerns about national security and the potential for individuals from countries with less than savory intentions to slip through our borders.

Despite scorching temperatures, the surge of illegal border crossings shows no sign of slowing down in August. Unofficial reports obtained by Breitbart News reveal that Border Patrol agents have already apprehended over 83,000 migrants in the first 15 days of the month. This indicates a continuation of the Biden administration’s failed immigration policies and highlights their inability to effectively manage the border.

It’s clear that the Biden administration’s approach to immigration is not only fundamentally broken but also a threat to our national security. The numbers speak for themselves, and it’s time for the administration to admit their failures and take decisive action to secure our borders. The safety and well-being of American citizens should always be the top priority, and it’s time for the Biden administration to prioritize the interests of our nation over political agendas.

Written by Staff Reports

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