
Border Patrol Accounts Vanish Online: Are they Hiding the Truth? Melugin Demands Answers!

It’s no secret that the border crisis has been out of control under the Biden administration, and it seems like they have no intention of fixing it. In fact, Republicans are even talking about impeaching Alejandro Mayorkas, the Department of Homeland Security head, but that probably won’t make a difference since Biden would just appoint another incompetent person to keep the floodgates open for illegal aliens. While all of this is happening, the Customs and Border Patrol is overwhelmed and not allowed to do their job properly. Instead, Mayorkas is more concerned with making sure agents use the “preferred pronouns” of illegal aliens. Talk about misplaced priorities!

Now, the Chief Patrol Agent of the U.S. Border Patrol’s Tucson Sector, John Modlin, announced that the Tucson sector social media account will be going dark. Seriously? Are they going to try to tell us that they need to pull the guys doing social media because there’s such a crush of people? Give me a break! It’s pretty obvious that the Biden team doesn’t want us to know how bad things really are at the border. And why would they? The social media accounts have been providing valuable information and data about the crisis, and the Biden team can’t have that getting out.

Fox’s Bill Melugin, who reports on border issues, was just as shocked by this move. He pointed out that just days ago, the Border Patrol’s Tucson sector reported a record-breaking 15,300 illegal crossings in one week. And now they’re shutting down their social media accounts? This is completely unacceptable and shows that they’re trying to hide the truth from the American people. Ali Bradley of News Nation also expressed her disbelief, noting that this sector has been dealing with massive groups of illegal aliens and is currently at 580% capacity. And now they’re going dark? It’s clear that the Biden team is more interested in covering up the crisis than actually solving it.

Even the National Immigration Center for Enforcement took a jab at the Biden team, saying, “If only Border Patrol and ICE were able to police violations of the law like DHS polices speech and public information.” They hit the nail on the head. The Biden team is more focused on policing speech and controlling information than actually enforcing the law at the border. It’s all about optics for them. They want to make it seem like they’re doing something about the crisis, even if it means shutting down social media accounts to hide the truth. But we see right through their cover-up. The border crisis is real and it’s getting worse every day. And shutting down social media accounts won’t make it go away.

Written by Staff Reports

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