
Brad Wilson Storms Utah Senate Race with Bold Anti-Biden Message!

Former Utah House speaker, Brad Wilson, is making waves in his bid for Sen. Mitt Romney’s seat in 2024 with a hard-hitting television ad. The $300,000 “Utah Way” ad buy has hit the airwaves, gracing screens statewide on broadcast, cable, and digital platforms.

The ad doesn’t hold back, declaring Wilson’s firm commitment to taking on President Joe Biden’s agenda. The narrator boldly proclaims Wilson as a “conservative fighter with the guts to get the job done,” touting his previous work on tax cuts for Utah residents and enacting constitutional carry.

Wilson’s message is clear: he’s not looking to bring Washington to Utah but rather the other way around, claiming to be the bold, conservative fighter that Utahns need in their corner.

And it seems like the support is rolling in. With an early edge in fundraising and the backing of over 60 Utah lawmakers, including a significant portion of the state’s Republican legislators, Wilson is confidently making his mark in the crowded field of primary challengers.

The race for Sen. Romney’s seat is shaping up in a reliably red state, making it an uphill battle for any Democratic contender. However, GOP candidates are still jockeying for position, with more than half of Utah voters reportedly undecided according to recent polls.

With the field heating up and the Utah spotlight shining on Wilson, the competition is fierce as the battle for Utah’s Senate seat continues to unfold.

Written by Staff Reports

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