
Bragg Pleads to Muzzle Trump: Drama Before Trial Ignites!

Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a real stickler for the rules, is not playing around when it comes to former President Donald Trump flapping his gums. Bragg, feeling like a grumpy old bear with a sore paw, went crying to Judge Juan Merchan to tighten that gag order on Trump faster than you can say “fake news.”

Now, this gag order, which basically tells Trump to zip it about anyone involved in his hush money case, apparently wasn’t enough for Bragg. He just had to go running to Merchan like a kid tattletaling on the playground. Bragg wanted to know if Merchan’s daughter was off-limits too after Trump kept blabbering about her. Talk about being overly sensitive!

Bragg’s filing practically begged Merchan to slap Trump with sanctions for his loose lips. It’s like Bragg was saying, “How dare you, Mr. Trump, speak ill of anyone related to this case! You’re in timeout, mister!”

And as if the drama couldn’t get any thicker than a milkshake, Trump’s trial is set to kick off on April 15. You can practically hear the popcorn popping as Trump gears up to defend his honor against those 34 counts of allegedly fudging some paperwork.

Meanwhile, Trump wasted no time firing back at Merchan’s gag order faster than you can say “Twitter fingers.” He took to his new favorite platform, Truth Social, to throw some shade not just at the court but also at a member of the judge’s family. But hey, who needs manners when you’ve got a bone to pick, right?

Civil rights attorney Leo Terrell jumped into the ring, throwing punches at Merchan for trying to muzzle Trump’s First Amendment rights. He argued that Trump should have a right to blabber on like a squirrel on a nut hunt, even if it means causing a ruckus in the courtroom.

Well, folks, it looks like the courtroom showdown between Trump and the legal eagles is shaping up to be quite the spectacle. Grab your popcorn and settle in for the show, because this saga is far from over. And hey, remember to keep your mouth shut, at least if Alvin Bragg has anything to say about it!

Written by Staff Reports

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