
Breaking: Major State Snubs Biden, DNC in Bold First Move!

New Hampshire has decided to stick to its guns and keep its spot as the first state to hold a presidential primary, a move that’s got Joe Biden and the Democratic National Committee (DNC) shaking in their boots. The DNC tried to shake things up by rearranging the early primary states to give more power to minority voters and show off the party’s so-called “diversity.” But New Hampshire Secretary of State Dave Scanlan ain’t havin’ it.

Scanlan just announced that New Hampshire will likely be holding its primary on January 23, 2024, smack dab in direct opposition to the DNC’s new calendar that put South Carolina first on February 3, followed by New Hampshire and Nevada three days later. And let me tell ya, Scanlan wasn’t holding back when he spilled the tea. He straight up told Fox News how the DNC’s talk about New Hampshire being too white isn’t the real reason for their meddling. He’s got some other important reasons up his sleeve, y’all.

Now, this move by New Hampshire doesn’t just stick it to the DNC, it’s also a big ol’ slap in the face to President Biden himself. You see, New Hampshire’s got a law that says their primary has to be held a week before any other similar contest. It’s been that way for over a century, and they ain’t about to change it just ’cause some fancy politicians think they know better. But here’s the kicker: if New Hampshire sticks to its guns, they could face some serious sanctions from the DNC, including losing half their delegates at the national convention. Ouch.

But let’s backtrack a sec and talk about why New Hampshire’s primary is such a big deal in the first place. It’s all about tradition, folks. The state has been holding the first presidential primary in the U.S. election cycle since 1920. And let me tell ya, it’s not just some small-time event. Candidates from both parties see it as a chance to prove themselves and get the momentum they need to win. That’s why they spend so much time and money in New Hampshire, knocking on doors and kissing babies.

Now, Republican Governor Chris Sununu, he’s not one to hold his tongue. He’s been blasting Biden and the DNC for months over their attempts to change the primary calendar. And you better believe he’s gonna be right there with Scanlan when he makes his big announcement. According to Sununu, Biden has royally messed things up for himself and for the Democrats. But you know what? New Hampshire don’t care. They’re goin’ first, come hell or high water. That’s why Sununu calls it insulting. It’s like Biden’s saying the people of New Hampshire don’t matter. Well, they do, and they’re ready to show it.

Now, I know what you’re thinkin’. New Hampshire’s not exactly the most diverse state out there. It’s mostly white folks, which doesn’t sit well with some Democrats. They think it’s unfair that less diverse states like New Hampshire and Iowa have so much sway in choosing presidential nominees. But here’s the thing, folks: New Hampshire’s got a lot of undeclared voters, meaning they can pick which primary they wanna vote in. So there’s still some unpredictability and chance for a shake-up. And hey, if the DNC really cares about diversity, maybe they should focus on getting more folks of color to actually run for office. Just a thought.

Written by Staff Reports

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