
CA Judges Target Parents: Transgender Affirmation or Lose Custody?

California’s assault on parental rights has reached new heights with the passage of a disturbing piece of legislation. The bill requires judges in custody battles to consider whether a parent has “affirmed” their child’s belief that they may be transgender. It’s as if the radical Left thinks they know what’s best for our children and that parents should just be pushed aside. Well, that’s not how it works!

Senator Tim Scott of South Carolina didn’t mince words when he called this bill “evil.” And he’s absolutely right! The state of California is trying to undermine parental authority and dictate how we raise our kids. Under the guise of protecting transgender rights, they’re actually tearing families apart and violating the basic principles of freedom and liberty.

During his appearance on Fox News, Senator Scott condemned the bill as “unacceptable” and “un-American.” He highlighted the absurdity of the state believing they can take children away from their parents simply because they don’t affirm their child’s gender decisions. The audacity of California to think that they know better than parents is truly offensive, dangerous, and downright evil.

But Senator Scott doesn’t just criticize without offering solutions. He has proposed a parent’s bill of rights as a way to empower parents and protect our children. It’s about time we prioritize parental rights and recognize that parents are the best decision-makers for their kids, not some distant government authority.

The Washington Examiner also exposed the broader attack on parental rights in California, with several bills being passed under the guise of “transgender rights.” This specific bill goes as far as labeling a parent’s disagreement with their child’s gender identity as “child abuse.” This is a gross overreach of the state into our personal lives and a direct threat to our fundamental liberties.

It’s clear that the radical Left, the teachers’ unions, Big Tech, and even Joe Biden are all working together to undermine parental authority. We cannot let them succeed. We must stand up against these tyrannical attempts to control our families and protect our children’s well-being.

Senator Scott’s Empower Parents Plan is a necessary response to these attacks on parental rights. It prioritizes defending our children’s well-being, empowering parents in education, and stopping Big Tech from exploiting our kids online. It’s time for us to take a stand and fight back against this encroachment on our fundamental rights as parents. We won’t let the radical Left dictate how we raise our children.

Written by Staff Reports

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