
California Gun-Control: Virtue-Signaling Charade or Futile Endeavor?

California made headlines on Thursday (Sep. 14th) as the first state to call for a Constitutional Convention of the States, with the intention of nullifying the Second Amendment. Governor Gavin Newsom has been a leading advocate for this resolution, which seeks to raise the age to buy a gun to 21, mandate background checks, impose waiting periods for gun purchases, and ban assault weapons across the country.

However, this resolution is nothing more than a futile exercise in virtue-signaling. Lawmakers in California conveniently ignore the fact that no amount of legislation will prevent criminals from obtaining firearms. Furthermore, they fail to acknowledge the countless incidents where legally-armed citizens have successfully prevented crimes. It’s clear that this resolution only targets law-abiding citizens and provides criminals with a safer working environment.

One of the major flaws in this proposal is the arbitrary raising of the age to buy a gun to 21, which goes against the principle of equal treatment under the law. Additionally, the resolution fails to define what constitutes an “assault weapon,” leaving it open to interpretation and potentially targeting firearms that are functionally identical to non-scary-looking rifles.

It’s important to note that this resolution is nothing more than grandstanding by Governor Newsom, who is likely using it to bolster his progressive credentials and further his political ambitions. Meanwhile, the California Legislature is attempting to divert attention from their own failures, such as the state’s financial crisis and rising crime rates. It’s clear that this resolution is going nowhere and is simply a ploy for political gain.

In conclusion, California’s gun-control resolution is a prime example of virtue-signaling and futility. It disregards the rights of law-abiding citizens and fails to address the real issues impacting public safety. It’s time for lawmakers to focus on effective solutions rather than empty gestures.

Written by Staff Reports

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