
Capitol Officer Who Shot Babbitt Promoted: Dems Reward Tragedy

Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd, known for his infamous encounter with Ashli Babbitt on January 6, 2021, is now joining the ranks of the promoted. In a surprising twist of events, Byrd, the officer who shot and killed Babbitt, is set to be promoted to captain. You read that right, folks. The man who took a life without any clear justifiable reason is being rewarded for his actions. This only goes to show the twisted values of those in power.

Ashli Babbitt, a brave veteran of the United States Air Force, tragically lost her life in the halls of the Capitol that fateful day. Without any regard for her unarmed status, Byrd shot her in the head as she attempted to climb through a window. Where is the accountability for this needless act of violence? It seems like the Capitol Police Department is more interested in promoting questionable individuals than seeking justice for the innocent.

Caroline Edwards, another figure in this disturbing narrative, is also receiving a promotion. She recalls being knocked unconscious and describes the Capitol that day as a “war zone.” While her experience may have been traumatic, it does not excuse the fact that Byrd’s actions resulted in the loss of a life. Promotions should be reserved for those who have displayed exceptional judgment and integrity, not for those marred by controversy and unnecessary force.

It is disheartening to see that the Capitol Police Department refuses to address this issue directly. Their spokesperson merely stated that the promotions are earned and competitive. But what about justice? What about the countless lives that were irrevocably changed that day? It seems like the department is more concerned with brushing this under the rug than confronting the consequences of their officers’ actions.

Conservative commentator Charlie Kirk hit the nail on the head when he sarcastically welcomed Byrd to the “Regime.” This promotion only solidifies the notion that those who align with the Democratic agenda are protected and rewarded, regardless of their misdeeds. It is a sad day when an officer who took a life is celebrated, while the victim and her family are left to mourn in silence.

In conclusion, the promotion of Lieutenant Michael Byrd is a slap in the face to justice and accountability. It is a clear example of the Democratic establishment protecting its own, even at the expense of innocent lives. We must demand better. We must stand up against this rigged system and ensure that those who uphold the law are held to the highest standards. America deserves justice, not political favors.

Written by Staff Reports

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