
“Captain America” Impersonator with AR-15 Detained at Air Force Base! Security Check or Comic Con?

A Florida man is in big trouble after trying to pull a wild stunt at a US Air Force base. The man, named Baruch Roche, rolled up to the gate of the MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa in a snazzy green Hyundai Genesis. But before the guards could say, “Who goes there?” Roche started demanding entry, claiming he had some super important, top-secret meeting with the bigwigs at the base.

Instead of showing his ID like a regular person, Roche went all out and declared that he was none other than “Captain America” himself! Yep, you read that right. He thought he could waltz into a high-security military base packing an AR-15 rifle and play dress-up as a comic book hero. 

The folks at the base weren’t buying what Roche was selling. They got a whiff of something fishy and decided to dig a little deeper. Lo and behold, they found not just the rifle in his car, but also a bunch of loaded magazines with enough bullets to make any action movie star jealous.

When the cops showed up to sort out this whole “Captain America” fiasco, Roche dropped another bombshell. He told them he had some serious mental health issues, claiming anxiety, depression, and even ADHD.

The authorities didn’t buy into Roche’s antics. They put him under lockdown, involuntarily hospitalizing him for evaluation and treatment under Florida’s Baker Act.

Now, MacDill Air Force Base is no stranger to drama. With over 12,000 active-duty personnel and a bunch of important military units, they’ve seen their fair share of action. But dealing with a real-life wannabe superhero wielding an AR-15? That’s a whole new level of crazy! Let’s hope they’ve tightened up security so “Captain America” and his wild ideas stay far, far away from their gates.

Written by Staff Reports

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