
Catholic Adoption Dream Crushed by Woke Left’s Agenda!

In another shocking display of the regressive left’s tyranny, a loving Catholic couple, Michael and Kitty Burke, have been denied their application to adopt a child by the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families. This blatant act of religious discrimination is a prime example of the progressives’ dangerous and authoritarian hold on our society. It seems that now, not only do we have to pass their tests to make a living, but even the noble act of opening our homes to children in need is subject to their litmus test.

The Burkes: A Deserving Family:
Let us examine the Burkes, a remarkable couple with hearts full of love and a desire to provide a loving home for a child. Mr. Burke is a former Marine who served our country in Iraq, while Mrs. Burke has dedicated herself to helping children with special needs. They embody the American dream and are the kind of couple that any child would be lucky to have as parents.

Religious discrimination revealed:
Yet, despite their qualifications and unwavering commitment to providing a nurturing environment for a child, the Massachusetts DCF decided to reject their application solely based on their Catholic faith. This is not only unacceptable but also unlawful. It is clear that the liberal left has a disdain for anything associated with religion, especially when it comes to Catholicism. Their toxic ideology deems faith incompatible with their narrow-minded agenda.

The Erosion of Free Speech:
This incident is just one more example of the erosion of support for free speech among liberals. The left’s embrace of intolerance and their refusal to accept differing opinions are dangerous trends that will undoubtedly affect our voter class. They demand that everyone bow to their political views, denying the fundamental right for Americans to disagree. We must not be silenced by the self-righteousness of the progressive left and continue to fight for our First Amendment rights.

Conclusion – Fight for Freedom:
It is crucial that we stand with the Burkes and all others who face discrimination at the hands of the unhinged woke mobs. This incident highlights the expanding reach of the progressives’ non-official litmus test into areas such as adoption policy. Denying a loving couple the opportunity to provide a home for a child based on their Catholic faith is nothing short of an injustice. We must condemn these acts of religious discrimination and work to ensure that every American has the right to practice their faith without fear of retribution. Let us remember that religious freedom is a cornerstone of this great nation, and we must fight tooth and nail to protect it from the liberal tyranny that seeks to dismantle it.

Written by Staff Reports

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