
CBS Tries to Downplay Biden’s Gaffes with Edited Video, Conservatives Unconvinced

The latest attempt by the Biden administration and some media outlets to push the narrative of “cheap fakes” in order to deflect attention from Joe Biden’s evident issues is not fooling anyone, especially not conservative Americans. Trying to persuade the public not to trust their own eyes when watching videos that clearly depict Biden’s struggles is both laughable and desperate.

CBS, known for its biased reporting, dedicated a significant portion of airtime to this manufactured narrative, focusing on a specific video clip to downplay Biden’s gaffes. Conveniently, they chose a narrow version of the footage, omitting the wider view that actually highlighted Biden wandering off and needing redirection from Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni. This cherry-picking of visuals is a classic tactic to manipulate viewer perception.


Furthermore, CBS’s attempt to compare these “cheap fakes” to other forms of misinformation, while ignoring the blatant falsehoods propagated by Biden himself, is the height of hypocrisy. Where was this concern for accuracy when the Hunter Biden laptop scandal was dismissed as Russian disinformation without proper verification? The double standard is glaringly obvious.

The focus should not be on Biden’s age, as some would like to claim, but on his evident incoherence and cognitive decline. It is essential to address these real issues instead of deflecting with accusations of ageism or fake news. Conservatives are not blind to the truth, no matter how hard the mainstream media tries to obscure it.

The fact that CBS had to backtrack and amend their report due to showing the “wrong version” of the video raises serious questions about their journalistic integrity. What exactly was wrong with the original clip that they conveniently removed? Could it be that the wider view, which they neglected to show, would have portrayed Biden in a less favorable light? The lack of transparency only adds to the growing distrust of mainstream media among conservatives.

In the end, the credibility of mainstream media outlets like CBS continues to erode with each biased report and misleading narrative they push. Conservative Americans remain vigilant in calling out their deceitful tactics and will not be swayed by attempts to manipulate the truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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