
Charlamagne Turns on Biden: Endorsement Regret Festers!

After giving his blessing to President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2020 election, Charlamagne tha God is now singing a different tune. The radio host made a monstrous declaration about President Biden’s lack of leadership during an interview with CNN’s Abby Phillip, where he called Biden a “lousy elected official.” Charlamagne didn’t mince words when he highlighted his disappointment in Biden’s performance, stating that the President had let down the American people and projected a distinctly shoddy image for an elected leader. However, in a desperate attempt to distance himself from his blistering remarks, Charlamagne sought shelter in the chaos, cautioning against the perils of former President Donald Trump’s brand of leadership, claiming it would sound the death knell for American democracy.

Unsurprisingly, Charlamagne is now suffering from a case of endorsement remorse. He lamented his previous support for the Biden-Harris ticket, expressing regret that he had put his own reputation on the line by encouraging his listeners to back the Democratic duo. The radio personality described having to face the music from his disappointed audience, who seemingly felt betrayed by the lackluster performance of the very candidate he had endorsed. Charlamagne’s discontent with Biden seemed to stem from the President’s track record, which he bluntly labeled as subpar, emphasizing his frustration with the unsatisfactory state of affairs under Biden’s watch.

Charlamagne’s dissatisfaction with Biden dates back to the 2020 election, where the radio host experienced a fallout following Biden’s appearance on his show. The aftermath of Biden’s interview wasn’t all sunshine and rainbows, as the President faced a barrage of criticism and found himself in the hot seat, eventually issuing an apology for making insensitive remarks about the black community. Reflecting on this incident, Charlamagne made it clear that his support for the Biden-Harris ticket had greatly soured, revealing the cracks in his previous endorsement.

Despite Charlamagne’s recent public disavowal of President Biden, the radio host remained evasive about his voting intentions, refusing to throw his support behind Biden in the upcoming election. In an attempt to distance himself from partisan labels, he declared that he does not identify as a Democrat or a Republican while coyly skirting the issue of casting his ballot for President Biden.

Written by Staff Reports

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