
Cheney Slams Trump: Sour Grapes from a 13% Approval Failure?

In a recent video statement, the scowling Dick Cheney took it upon himself to label former President Donald Trump as the greatest “threat” to our beloved republic. Now, I don’t know about you, but it seems a bit rich coming from someone who was once known as Satan incarnate by Democrats. Talk about throwing stones from a glass house!

Cheney wasted no time in spewing his unfounded claims, accusing Trump of trying to steal the last election through lies and violence. But let’s face it, folks, these baseless accusations have been debunked time and time again. The truth is, Trump fought for transparency and election integrity, something the Democrats seem to despise. It takes a real coward to hurl such accusations without any evidence to back them up.

And let’s not forget, Cheney left office with a pitiful approval rating of only 13 percent. That’s lower than the popularity of kale among kids! It’s clear that his disastrous role in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, which cost us thousands of American lives, still haunts him. But somehow, his opposition to Trump has raised his favorability among the leftists. It’s like they have amnesia when it comes to his track record of failed leadership.

Speaking of failed leadership, Cheney and his daughter Liz were among the few Republicans who attended a ceremony commemorating the one-year anniversary of the January 6 Capitol protests. You know, the protests that the left likes to exaggerate and use as a political weapon. They even had the audacity to claim that five Capitol Police officers were “murdered” during the protests. But the truth is, not a single officer lost their life that day. It’s just another example of the left’s blatant disregard for the facts.

Cheney has also been critical of Trump’s desire to end the war in Ukraine and stop continuously arming the Ukrainian Army. Now, call me crazy, but shouldn’t we be focusing on America first? Our hard-earned tax dollars shouldn’t be going towards endless foreign interventions when we have plenty of issues right here at home. But I guess Cheney would rather play global policeman than prioritize the needs of everyday Americans.

In conclusion, Cheney’s attempts to smear Donald Trump and position himself as a wise statesman are nothing more than political posturing. His credibility is as low as his approval ratings, and it’s clear that he’s more interested in pleasing the leftists than standing up for conservative principles. We need leaders who will put America first, not career politicians looking for their next moment in the spotlight.

Written by Staff Reports

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