
China’s Deadly Deception: Biden’s Fentanyl Feud with Xi Exposed!

A recent report by FBI Director Christopher A. Wray revealed that China is the source of the fentanyl trafficking crisis that is devastating the United States. Wray testified before Congress, emphasizing that the Chinese government is behind the influx of deadly drugs, and that they have the power to stop it.

Meanwhile, President Biden was in San Francisco attempting to negotiate with Chinese President Xi Jinping to put an end to the flow of drugs. Biden declared triumph, stating that China had agreed to resume law enforcement coordination, allowing the U.S. to voice concerns about Chinese suppliers shipping drug ingredients and equipment to Mexico, where fentanyl is manufactured and distributed.

The White House provided additional details, indicating that China had warned its domestic industry about the potential legal consequences of shipping these chemicals and pill presses, and had also suspended its participation in tracking suspicious shipments three years ago. While some experts expressed cautious optimism about this development, others remained skeptical, emphasizing that China’s willingness to cooperate may diminish over time.

Republican Senator Bill Hagerty of Tennessee, a vocal critic of China’s fentanyl export, urged President Xi to take immediate action to halt the flow of fentanyl and its precursors into the U.S., cautioning against falling for empty promises from the Communist regime. The senator’s concerns reflect the ongoing skepticism within the conservative lawmakers’ community regarding China’s commitment to addressing this crisis.

The situation has drawn comparisons to the previous decade when Chinese-manufactured fentanyl flooded the U.S., prompting legislative action and demands from former President Trump to crack down on the issue. Although China seemingly complied for a period, the drug-related fatalities in the U.S. eventually increased. As a consequence, Chinese companies allegedly redirected their efforts to partner with Mexican cartels, further exacerbating the crisis.

FBI Director Wray highlighted that Chinese companies remain the primary source of fentanyl-related chemicals and pill presses used by Mexican cartels, and also play a significant role in supplying chemicals for manufacturing methamphetamine. Additionally, Wray emphasized the intricate ties between the Chinese government and the private sector, suggesting that the government’s involvement in the fentanyl crisis cannot be overlooked.

The influx of fentanyl into the U.S. largely occurs through the southern border, according to Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. While Democrats disputed the connection between the surge of migrants at the border and the fentanyl crisis, Republican Homeland Security Committee Chairman Mark Green raised concerns about the lack of precise data regarding the percentage of fentanyl that bypasses border controls.

In essence, the conservative interpretation of the situation implies a continuous struggle between the U.S. and China over the fentanyl crisis, casting doubt on the sincerity of China’s cooperation while stressing the urgent need for tangible results in combating the devastating impact of illicit drug trafficking.

Written by Staff Reports

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