
Chris Christie Exposes Trump’s Ego & Basement Campaign Tactics

Chris Christie, the former Governor of New Jersey, has been making waves in his campaign to take down former President Donald Trump. Despite some questionable positions, like defending doctors who mutilate children, Christie believes that Trump will not be able to resist participating in the debates. Why? Because his massive ego won’t allow him to miss out on the spotlight. Christie points to Trump’s social media platform, Truth Social, as evidence of his desperate need for attention. Trump can’t stand the thought of not being in the fray and will likely show up to the debates just to ensure he’s not forgotten.

But there’s another factor at play here that no one seems to be talking about. Trump appears to be running a “basement campaign,” with minimal in-person events compared to his competitors. Since announcing his campaign, Trump has held fewer than 30 in-person events, while other candidates, such as Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, have held over 50 events each. And the excuse of cost doesn’t hold up, considering the former president’s deep pockets.

So why is Trump avoiding the campaign trail? Well, it could be to protect himself legally. With multiple indictments looming, including ones in the future, Trump may be trying to avoid saying or doing anything that could hurt his defense. After all, we all remember the infamous Bret Baier interview. The truth is, Trump can avoid rallies and debates because he’s currently sitting pretty with a 30-point lead. But will that still be the case in six months? Only time will tell.

In the end, it’s clear that Chris Christie is onto something. Trump’s ego won’t let him sit on the sidelines, and his decision to run a low-key campaign could have consequences down the road. It’s both amusing and concerning to see how the former president will navigate the coming months. One thing’s for sure, though, it won’t be a dull ride.

Source: Red State

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