
Christie Defends Woke FBI Chief: GOP Maverick or Biden Ally?

In a surprising twist, 2024 GOP presidential candidate Chris Christie has come out as the lone Republican defending the woke FBI Director Christopher Wray against the House Judiciary Committee’s hearings. Christie, known for his blunt opinions and no-nonsense persona, dismissed the hearings as mere theater aimed at fundraising for political campaigns. While acknowledging that there are issues within the FBI, Christie praised Wray for his ability to fix problems and emphasized his belief that Wray can continue to address them effectively.

However, Christie’s defense of Wray didn’t stop there. He went on to claim that the progressive FBI Director is doing a “great job” in combating domestic terrorism and drug cartels from entering the United States. Christie brushed off allegations that Wray has protected the Biden family, suggesting that such accusations are politically motivated and lack substance. His resolute support for Wray comes with a caveat – if Christie were to become President, he would expect Wray to be held accountable and answer to an appointed attorney general.

Interestingly, Wray’s previous involvement in Christie’s own Bridgegate scandal did not seem to sway Christie’s opinion. Despite the charges brought against three of his aides in connection with the incident, Christie still stands by his belief in Wray’s competency as FBI Director. This display of loyalty towards Wray in the face of personal history raises questions about Christie’s motivations and priorities.

While Christie’s stance on Wray contrasts sharply with the rest of the Republican party, it aligns with his reputation as a maverick within the GOP. Other 2024 Republican candidates, including Gov. Ron DeSantis, have promised to fire Wray on their first day in office if elected. They argue that the FBI has been weaponized against conservatives while giving a pass to Antifa and Black Lives Matters rioters. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has even accused Wray and Attorney General Merrick Garland of playing political games with the laws of the United States.

Former President Trump, who is no stranger to clashes with the FBI, has also joined the chorus of those calling for Wray’s ousting. Despite pleading not guilty to multiple felony charges, Trump has remained outspoken in his belief that the FBI should be defunded. He implores Republicans in Congress to defend the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the FBI until they “come to their senses.”

Christie’s defense of Wray has certainly raised eyebrows within his party. Some see Christie’s support as a principled stand based on his assessment of Wray’s performance, while others suspect ulterior motives or a deviation from conservative values. Whatever the case may be, it remains to be seen how Christie’s position on Wray will play out in the broader political landscape and impact his own presidential aspirations.

Written by Staff Reports

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