
Christie’s Ad: Admits Trump Error, Snubs 2024 Front-Runners

Former New Jersey Governor, Chris Christie, recently released a new ad in which he explains his past support for Donald Trump and shares his current stance on the 2024 presidential race. Christie detailed his previous endorsement of Trump, stating that he did so because Trump was leading the pack and believed he could help shape him into a better candidate and president. However, in the ad, Christie confessed that he was mistaken and had made a grave error in judgment.

In a new twist, Christie expressed his displeasure with the current options for the 2024 election, emphasizing his refusal to support either Joe Biden or Donald Trump. Despite his low 3.3 percent national polling average, Christie has adamantly declared his intent to remain in the race, calling suggestions for his withdrawal “crazy.”

During a radio interview with host Hugh Hewitt, Christie defended his decision to continue his presidential campaign, asserting that he is under no obligation to drop out before any votes are cast. He criticized those who questioned his persistence in the race, singling out other candidates such as Nikki Haley, and emphasized the importance of running a strong campaign to secure victory.


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