
Christie’s Mind-Blowing Response on Not Attacking DeSantis at GOP Showdown!

In last week’s GOP presidential debate, former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie was asked why he didn’t attack Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who he has criticized in the past. Christie’s response was surprisingly refreshing. He stated that his job is to communicate his vision for the future of the country, not engage in pointless bickering with other candidates. Christie believed that DeSantis’ answers during the debate, although he disagreed with some of them, did not warrant engaging in a back and forth with him.

And Christie is absolutely right. We’ve seen enough of these petty fights and personal attacks during debates. It’s time for the candidates to focus on the issues that matter to the American people. Christie used the example of Tulsi Gabbard’s takedown of Kamala Harris in the 2019 Democratic presidential debate. Gabbard focused on the issues and effectively dismantled Harris’ record as chief prosecutor in California. Harris’ campaign never recovered from that moment.

It’s clear that voters want to see candidates who can effectively articulate their stance on the issues and offer solutions to the problems our country is facing. Engaging in petty squabbles and grandstanding only turns voters off. Christie’s decision to focus on his own vision rather than attacking DeSantis shows maturity and a true understanding of what the American people want in a leader.

Let’s hope more candidates follow Christie’s lead and start focusing on the real issues, rather than engaging in pointless personal attacks. Our country deserves better than that.

Written by Staff Reports

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