
Chuck Todd admits senior cabinet doubts Biden’s fitness confirms media complicity on cognitive concerns

Chuck Todd’s shocking admission on his “Toddcast” about what a senior cabinet secretary told him regarding Joe Biden’s ability to run again is just the latest bombshell in a long line of concerns about the President’s mental acuity. This revelation not only confirms what many conservatives have been saying for years, but it also exposes the complicity of the mainstream media in covering up these issues.

The fact that a senior cabinet secretary raised doubts about Biden’s fitness for office two years ago, coupled with Todd’s acknowledgment that this was an open secret within the administration, paints a troubling picture of a White House fully aware of the President’s cognitive decline. It also raises questions about the media’s role in downplaying or ignoring these concerns.

For all the claims of “dupe-ness” and ignorance by the press, Todd’s admission reveals a different story – one of willful blindness and complicity in shielding Biden from scrutiny. The media, rather than holding public officials accountable, chose to pick a side and actively cover up the truth about Biden’s capabilities. 


The implications of this admission go beyond just Biden and his family. They speak to a larger issue of deception within the Democratic Party and the lengths they are willing to go to maintain power. But more importantly, it shines a harsh light on the mainstream media’s failure to fulfill their role as unbiased truth-seekers.

In the end, Chuck Todd’s admission serves as a stark reminder of the importance of an independent, impartial media willing to question those in power, regardless of political affiliation. The truth should always come first, even if it means revealing uncomfortable realities about those in positions of authority.

Written by Staff Reports

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