
CIS Report Exposes Welfare Abuse by Illegals; Biden’s America Pays the Price!

The leftist open-border fanatics are at it again, claiming that illegal aliens and legal immigrants are not draining our welfare system. But fear not, my fellow patriots, the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) has exposed the truth in their latest analysis – and it’s an eye-opener!

According to the brilliant minds at CIS, nearly 60 percent of households headed by illegal aliens are leeching off at least one major form of welfare. And legal immigrants are not innocent either, with over 50 percent of their households cashing in on the welfare bonanza.

But wait, there’s more! Native-born American citizens, the hardworking backbone of our society, are lagging behind, with fewer than 4-in-10 households using welfare.

Why is this happening, you ask? Well, the good folks at CIS have the answer. They explain that the American welfare system is set up to assist low-income families with children, and guess what? A large chunk of immigrants fit that description. 

But it doesn’t stop there! The CIS study also found that immigrant-headed households are gorging on food stamps, Medicaid benefits, and the Earned Income Tax Credit like there’s no tomorrow. They’re hitting the taxpayer-funded buffet hard, while hardworking Americans have to foot the bill.

And who’s to blame for this madness? None other than President Joe Biden, of course! Under his watch, the foreign-born population has skyrocketed to a record high. I mean, the numbers don’t lie – there are now a whopping 49.5 million foreign-born residents in the U.S. Talk about an invasion!

But hold on to your hats, folks, because Biden is not done yet. Since January 2021, he has added a staggering 4.5 million to the foreign-born population. At this rate, it won’t be long before our country is unrecognizable.

And what do the American people think about all of this? Well, surprise, surprise, they want cuts to overall immigration, especially the legal kind. A whopping 56 percent of likely voters are demanding a reduction in legal immigration levels. 



Written by Staff Reports

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