
Clinton Slammed Over Hypocritical ‘War on Truth’ Speech!

Hillary Clinton once again showcased her disconnect from reality during a speech at the Clinton Global Initiative Meeting in New York City. This time, she discussed the “war on truth” and the threats faced by journalists worldwide. Despite her history of silencing reporters, Clinton claimed that we have a “duty” to defend the media and protect their right to ask questions. She failed to acknowledge that journalists are often attacked for reporting facts that don’t align with the left-wing narrative. Clinton also went on a tangent about “alternative facts,” referring to any media reports that she or the Democrats don’t like, especially those that expose her corruption.

It’s quite ironic that Clinton now presents herself as a defender of freedom of the press, considering her past actions. She attempted to drone kill Julian Assange and even set up a private server to bypass FOIA requests. During her 2016 campaign, she treated reporters like cattle, keeping them behind a ropeline. She also kept lists of reporters and graded them based on their friendliness and potential for favorable coverage. Such tactics have nothing to do with a free press and only highlight Clinton’s hypocrisy.

Let’s not forget Clinton’s mishandling of classified information. She used a private email system, transmitted classified material, and attempted to cover up her tracks by destroying emails and BlackBerrys. She even used BleachBit and a hammer to destroy the evidence. It’s no surprise that nearly all of her 30,000 emails were sent to a foreign entity, according to the Intelligence Community Inspector General. With this track record, Clinton is the last person who should be lecturing about truth and integrity. It’s best for her to stay silent on the matter.

Written by Staff Reports

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