
Clueless Biden Fan Calls Trump Worse Than Hitler – Watch Her Fall for Epic Trolling!

In a hilarious and eye-opening video, savvy interviewer Shaneyy Ricch had some fun with a clueless Biden voter who just couldn’t see the irony in her own statements. With razor-sharp wit, Ricch trolled this bewildered individual by asking if she believed Donald Trump was more dangerous than Hitler. You won’t believe what she said!

This Biden voter, whose knowledge of history seems to be overshadowed by her blind loyalty to the left, actually agreed that Trump could be just as dangerous as Hitler. Talk about a lack of perspective! Ricch pressed further, questioning her about the January 6 Capitol protests. To the shock of rational Americans everywhere, she claimed that these protests were worse than the tragedies of 9/11 and Pearl Harbor. Seriously? We can only hope she was joking.

Just when you thought this interview couldn’t get any more ludicrous, Ricch played the ultimate tricksy card. Pretending to be a fellow Biden supporter, he boldly stated that Trump was more dangerous than Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini combined. And guess what? She agreed yet again! It’s truly astounding how political indoctrination can cloud one’s reasoning abilities.

But the icing on the cake was when Ricch began listing politically motivated prosecutions against Trump and other conservatives, all orchestrated by the Biden DOJ and a horde of far-left district attorneys and attorneys general. He sarcastically mentioned how Trump had raided Biden’s house, issued four indictments, and tried to ruin his business. The look of confusion on her face was priceless.

With great finesse, Ricch hammered home the point that weaponizing the DOJ and FBI to target political rivals is unethical and downright insane. He also made sure to call out the hypocrisy of Biden and his minions for attempting to destroy Trump’s brand and relentlessly attacking his children. Isn’t it funny how the left touts “unity” and “tolerance” while engaging in ruthless character assassination?

Finally, with a mischievous smile, Ricch asked the Biden supporter if she would vote for Biden in a hypothetical rematch. And what do you know? She answered with a resounding “yes.” Little did she know that all those despicable actions he listed were actually things Biden and the Democrats had done to Trump. The irony was lost on her, proving once again that the liberal mind can be a puzzling phenomenon.

In the end, this interview revealed not only the lack of critical thinking skills within some Biden supporters but also the crippling anxiety they experience when confronted with the truth. It’s no wonder she feels anxious watching the news; the reality is a harsh wake-up call for those who have traded facts for feelings. Let’s hope she finds some intellectual curiosity and breaks free from the left-wing echo chamber.

Written by Staff Reports

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