
CNN Analyst Gupta Suggests Biden Needs Cognitive Testing After Debate Performance

In the latest episode of “Let’s Find More Reasons to Doubt Biden’s Mental Fitness,” CNN’s medical analyst, Sanjay Gupta, raised eyebrows by suggesting that President Biden should have been tested post-debate. Gupta pointed out what he perceived as signs of concern during the debate, including speech stumbling, confused rambling, and lack of facial expression. While Gupta made sure to mention that these signs aren’t diagnostic of any specific condition, he emphasized that they are red flags that would prompt medical professionals to recommend testing.

Meanwhile, CNN’s Jake Tapper didn’t hold back in his own criticism of Biden, highlighting the President’s gaffes and detachment from reality. Tapper didn’t mince words, pointing out instances where Biden appeared to be less than coherent, such as claiming to be the first black woman. Tapper’s observations add to the growing sentiment that Biden’s mental acuity may not be up to par for the demands of the presidency. 

The mainstream media, after years of turning a blind eye, seems to be waking up to the reality of Biden’s cognitive decline. It’s becoming increasingly evident that Biden may not be the sharp, capable leader he once was. Even MSNBC, known for its favorable coverage of Democrats, can’t ignore the signs of Biden’s struggles. 

As speculation swirls about a potential replacement for Biden, whether it be Kamala Harris or another candidate waiting in the wings, one thing is clear: the doubts about Biden’s ability to lead are no longer confined to conservative circles. The question now is whether the DNC will address these concerns head-on or stick with Biden as their nominee for the upcoming election.

In the midst of this ongoing saga, one thing remains certain – the scrutiny of Biden’s mental fitness will continue to be a hot topic, with medical experts and pundits alike weighing in on whether the President is truly up to the task of being commander-in-chief.

Written by Staff Reports

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