
CNN Cancels New Hampshire Republican Debate, Robbing Voters of a True Conservative Showdown

CNN, the notorious liberal media outlet, has once again demonstrated its bias by canceling the New Hampshire Republican primary debate. Republican voters have been robbed of the chance to hear their candidates discuss important issues and showcase their conservative values. It’s clear that CNN is more interested in promoting its own agenda than allowing candidates to engage in a meaningful debate.

But let’s be honest, who can blame former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley for refusing to participate in a debate that doesn’t include the powerhouse that is former President Donald Trump? Haley knows that Trump is the leader of the conservative movement, and without him on the stage, the debate would be nothing more than a circus of irrelevant candidates.


ABC News and CNN had initially announced plans to host debates in New Hampshire, but after ABC pulled out, CNN followed suit. It’s clear that these networks can’t handle the heat of a real debate. They would rather air their biased coverage and avoid confronting the tough questions that conservative candidates would pose.

Only two candidates, Ron DeSantis and Nikki Haley, qualified for the New Hampshire debate, making it clear that the field is not as diverse as it should be. Nevertheless, CNN chose to cancel the debate instead of giving these candidates a chance to present their ideas to the voters. It’s a shame to see the media silencing conservative voices once again.

It’s worth mentioning that Trump has chosen not to participate in these debates. He understands that CNN and other liberal media outlets will twist his words and misrepresent his policies. Instead, Trump has chosen to connect with the American people directly through his rallies and events, where he can speak openly and freely without fear of biased media coverage.

But let’s not forget the real debate that needs to happen—between Trump and President Joe Biden. Trump has made it clear that he’s eager to discuss the important issues facing our country. The real question is whether Biden will have the courage to face Trump in a debate. Given Biden’s numerous gaffes and lackluster performance, it’s no surprise that his campaign has been hesitant to agree to the terms of a debate against Trump.

In the end, CNN’s cancellation of the New Hampshire debate is just another example of liberal media bias. The American people deserve fair and unbiased coverage, and it’s clear that CNN is incapable of providing that. Republican voters will have to rely on alternative news sources to stay informed about the candidates and their positions. Thankfully, they can count on conservative media outlets to provide the real news without the liberal spin.

Written by Staff Reports

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