
CNN Hides Trump Traction in Favor Piece on Harris

When a headline pops up proclaiming that Trump might be gaining traction in a critical state, discerning conservatives might expect some sort of pro-Trump exposition. However, CNN, that well-known bastion of leftist elitism, delivered an article that was more akin to a long-winded love letter to Kamala Harris—interlaced with a smattering of news buried at the bottom, like a lost sock in the dryer.

Readers looking for a balanced discussion must have found themselves baffled when their curiosity led to a regurgitated homage to Harris, alongside a sprinkling of quotes from a local retired police officer and restaurant owner, Antonio Munoz, who apparently referenced feelings shared by many who fondly remember the pre-COVID economy. Munoz seemed to believe that folks are starting to see Trump as a more viable option for their wallets, but CNN wasn’t interested in dwelling on that bit of potentially uplifting news. Instead, the bulk of the article resembled a therapy session for Democrats still grappling with the idea that they might face a well-informed electorate in the upcoming elections.

The article fell flat, not only failing to deliver on its headline’s promise but also serving as an example of what clickbait looks like when desperately attempting to cling to a narrative. With an abundance of fluff and a distinct lack of substance, CNN seemed to forget that they actually need viewers who feel satisfied with what they read. But then again, expecting CNN to honor journalistic integrity is rather like anticipating tax refunds from the IRS – highly improbable.

This type of reporting undoubtedly reflects a deep-seated desperation at CNN. As ratings continue to plunge and public sentiment sours, the network’s attempt to downplay Trump’s resurgence is akin to a rudderless ship, desperately trying to navigate choppy waters without any compass. Pointing out favorable trends regarding Trump must feel akin to stepping on a landmine for reporters as they cling to their outdated narrative that sees him as a mere footnote in history.

Likewise, the entirety of the piece seemed to function as a coping mechanism for the bitter reality that, despite all the mud-slinging and lawfare tactics by the left, Trump remains extremely relevant in the political landscape. CNN works hard to paint Harris as a golden child of politics while ignoring the fact that Trump’s impressive mainstream support is indicative of a political force that simply will not be extinguished. After two attempts on his life in just months, one could think this guy would throw in the towel—but Trump, it seems, might just be here for the long haul.

While the media can spin, downplay, or elevate politicians as they choose, they can’t fully erase Trump from the political scene. The best they can do is plug their ears and scream nice things about Harris, hoping, against all odds, that she can actually make the case for herself. Among the landscape of American politics, that’s a tall order, and no amount of wishful thinking from CNN can change that. As the November elections draw nearer, this serious matter isn’t going to get any funnier for the left as they cling to their narratives, ignoring the reality staring them straight in the face.

Written by Staff Reports

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