
CNN Takedown: Kamala Harris Trips Up on Slavery Curriculum Remarks!

Oh boy, poor Kamala Harris just can’t catch a break! If this is her “biggest moment” as Vice President, then we are in for a real treat with the rest of her time in office. Hold on to your hats, folks!

So it turns out that Harris made a huge blunder when she claimed that a Florida middle school syllabus was teaching students that enslaved people “profited from slavery.” I mean, come on, that’s just absurd! Who would even think such a thing? But hey, if you’re looking for some good old-fashioned gaslighting, Harris is your gal!

But let’s not forget the real star of the show: CNN. They never fail to disappoint when it comes to promoting their own agenda. Political commentator Karen Finney had the audacity to call Harris’ remarks a “stellar moment.” Really? I guess in CNN’s world, spreading misinformation and fanning the flames of division is considered stellar. What a joke!

And let’s not overlook the fact that Harris apparently has nothing better to do than to jump on any little controversy she sees on Twitter. According to Scott Jennings, CNN’s political analyst, this whole thing was a “completely made-up deal.” He even took the time to read the standards and the statements of the African-American scholars involved, and surprise, surprise, they all say it’s a bunch of baloney.

But wait, there’s more! Governor Ron DeSantis’ Press Secretary Jeremy Redfern pointed out that Dr. William B. Allen, one of the members of Florida’s African American History Standards Workgroup, called out Harris’ remarks as “categorically false.” He made it clear that the curriculum never said slavery was beneficial to Africans, but rather highlighted their resilience and adaptability.

It’s truly mind-boggling how someone like Kamala Harris can distort the truth just to keep fueling the fires of division in our country. We need leaders who will bring us together, not tear us apart. It’s time for America to wake up and stop buying into this nonsense. We deserve better than this, my friends. Let’s focus on the ideals that make our nation great: freedom, equality, and unity.

Written by Staff Reports

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