
Colorado Court Cancels Democracy, Blocks Trump Ballot!

Attention Patriots! Today, the Colorado Supreme Court delivered a gut-punch to Former President Donald Trump by banning him from the state’s 2024 presidential ballot. The 14th Amendment was used as a flimsy excuse to justify this blatant attack on democracy. It’s disgraceful. The court, whose members all conveniently belong to the Democratic Party, is shamelessly trying to eliminate any chance of Trump’s name appearing on the ballot.

The Trump campaign didn’t hold back, slamming the court’s decision and calling it a desperate ploy to sabotage the election on behalf of the floundering Biden administration. They called out the court for being in cahoots with a left-wing group’s sinister agenda funded by none other than George Soros. This move is nothing short of a ploy to deny the people of Colorado the right to choose their preferred candidate.

The court’s ruling is a direct assault on democracy and an attempt to thwart Trump’s soaring popularity in the polls. The Democrats are clearly trembling in their boots and resorting to dirty tactics to prevent a Trump victory next November. Make no mistake, this decision is an insult to every American who values fairness and free elections.

The case originated from a group of Colorado electors and culminated in a Denver District Court trial that painted a skewed picture of Trump’s supposed involvement in insurrection as defined in the Fourteenth Amendment. It’s a travesty that the Colorado Supreme Court ultimately upheld this disqualification, effectively barring Trump from the presidential primary ballot in direct violation of the Election Code.

The Trump campaign is not taking this lying down and plans to file an appeal to the United States Supreme Court, and they’re not alone in their outrage. Patriots across the nation are sounding off on social media, expressing their disbelief and outrage at this egregious attack on democracy.

This isn’t just about Trump; it’s about defending the integrity of our electoral process. Let’s stand together and fight against this flagrant effort to undermine our democratic values. We can’t let the Democrats get away with this outrageous power play. #Trump2024 #SaveDemocracy

Written by Staff Reports

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