
Comer Predicts Biden Impeachment Inquiry On the Horizon!

Chairman James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky, has claimed that President Joe Biden’s involvement in a family influence peddling scheme is only growing stronger by the day. According to Comer, a thorough examination of financial activity and communications between Biden and his son, Hunter, during Biden’s time as vice president, strongly suggests that Biden was at the forefront of this scheme. Comer further stated that the National Archives’ refusal to cooperate and provide emails containing the pseudonyms Biden used as vice president makes an impeachment inquiry inevitable.

Comer insisted that Biden had met and communicated with the individuals he previously denied any involvement with, and that Hunter Biden had traveled to various countries on Air Force Two while Joe Biden was vice president. These allegations have stirred a consensus within the Republican Conference, and an impeachment inquiry is now being seriously considered.

The desire for an impeachment inquiry is rooted in the belief that it will provide a valuable tool for the committee’s legal battle to obtain the emails containing a Biden pseudonym. Comer pointed out that the House Oversight Committee, which has legislative jurisdiction over the National Archives, has faced significant resistance in their attempts to uncover the mishandling of classified documents by the Bidens. With the existence of at least three different pseudonyms and over 5,400 emails, the committee hopes that the impeachment inquiry will aid in their pursuit of the truth.

Through this investigation, Comer aims to determine if Biden was involved in potential bribery and money laundering. While the President’s son, Hunter Biden, has already been linked to money laundering, Comer believes that it is crucial to investigate the possibility of Joe Biden’s own involvement in similar unlawful activities. These serious offenses, if proven true, would be a significant concern for the entire Congress.

Written by Staff Reports

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