
Cornyn Boards Trump Train After NH Win, GOP Unites!

Texas Senator John Cornyn, a smart and savvy politician, has finally come to his senses and joined the Trump train. After seeing Donald Trump’s decisive victory over Nikki Haley in the New Hampshire primary, Cornyn realized that it’s time for Republicans to put their differences aside and rally behind the man who is clearly the choice of the people.

It’s no secret that Cornyn has had his reservations about Trump in the past. Trump has even called him a “RINO,” which is Republican-speak for someone who doesn’t always toe the party line. But now, Cornyn understands that beating Joe Biden in the general election is going to require a united front, and Trump is the man for the job.

In his victory speech, Trump didn’t hold back in calling out Haley for her delusional spin on her double-digit loss. He made it clear that Haley had a very bad night, and the media attention grabbed by his dominance over her was just the cherry on top. Even South Carolina Senator Tim Scott, who owes his Senate seat to Haley, couldn’t resist jumping on the Trump bandwagon. Trump jokingly questioned Scott’s loyalty to Haley, but Scott quickly reassured him, saying, “I just love you!”

While Haley may be feeling the sting of defeat, she seems determined to soldier on. However, her prospects in South Carolina, her home state, are looking grim. Despite having been the governor of the state, she is trailing far behind in the polls. It’s clear that the people of South Carolina are not as impressed with her record as she would like them to be. But hey, at least she’s vowed to stay in the race so we can continue to witness her struggle.

This race is far from over, and Trump’s popularity is only growing stronger. As more and more Republican leaders embrace him, it becomes clear that he is the candidate who can lead the party to victory in November. So, let’s all hop aboard the Trump train, because we’re in for one heck of a ride!


Written by Staff Reports

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