
Courts Crush Anti-Trump Hysteria: MAGA Leader Unstoppable on Ballots

In a slap in the face to anti-Trump activists, a Rhode Island federal court threw out yet another attempt to bar former President Trump from appearing on the state’s ballot. This marks the fourth recent court defeat for those seeking to keep the GOP’s favorite son off the 2024 presidential ballot. John Castro, a nobody in the political sphere, had thrown a legal temper tantrum arguing that the Constitution’s insurrection clause should block Trump from running again due to the events of January 6, 2021. However, Chief Judge John J. McConnell, Jr., appointed by Obama, swiftly dismissed Castro’s frivolous case, much to the chagrin of the liberal elite.

The Trump campaign was quick to pounce on the victory, emphasizing the importance of letting the American people, not activist judges, decide the future of our great nation. Their spokesman, Steven Cheung, rightly pointed out that the Democrats and their cronies are desperate to undermine the will of the people by resorting to these baseless legal gimmicks. Mr. Trump remains confident in the voters’ support and calls for the speedy rejection of all these phony ballot challenges.

In a further blow to the snowflakes, liberal advocacy groups have been rebuffed in their attempts to keep Trump off primary ballots in both Colorado and Michigan. The judge in Colorado had the audacity to acknowledge that Trump didn’t engage in an insurrection, and even if he did, the insurrection clause doesn’t apply to the presidency. Meanwhile, in Michigan, the former president scored a partial victory when a judge ruled that the state’s secretary of state can’t exclude his name from the 2024 primary ballot. The left’s desperate attempts at legal gymnastics to subvert the will of the people are truly a spectacle to behold.

Even in Minnesota, the Supreme Court wasn’t having any of it, dismissing a case on November 8 and making it clear that they couldn’t stop the state party from including Trump on their ballot. And as if the left’s hopes weren’t already dashed enough, New Hampshire officials have also rejected efforts to block Trump from appearing on the ballot there.

Let’s not forget that while the liberal media and their cohorts are quick to sling mud at Mr. Trump, he has not been charged or convicted of leading an insurrection. His opponents continue to grasp at straws, but it’s clear that their feeble attempts to keep him off the ballot are nothing more than a sad display of sore losing. The American people have had enough of this nonsense, and they will have the final say at the ballot box. So, to those trying to silence the voices of millions of Americans, good luck – you’ll need it!

Written by Staff Reports

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