
Cruz Drops Bomb: Biden & Dems Funded Hamas’ Israel Attack”

In a recent podcast episode, Senator Ted Cruz called out the Biden administration for their response to the brutal attack on Israel by Hamas. Cruz emphasized how infuriating it is that the attack was paid for by Joe Biden and the Democrats. He pointed out that Hamas is supported by Iran, and the Biden administration has been responsible for billions of dollars in funding to Iran. Not only did they release $6 billion as part of a prisoner exchange, but they also allowed $10 billion from Iraq to flow into Iran, and they refused to enforce American oil sanctions.

Cruz highlighted the fact that the Biden administration directly funded Hamas by flooding money into the Gaza Strip. Despite knowing that the money would fund terrorism, they exempted themselves from American laws against funding terrorists. Cruz emphasized that the Biden administration is so opposed to Israel that they waived U.S. laws banning funding terrorists.

The senator also criticized the Biden administration for their lack of support for Israel. He pointed out that they have worked to undermine the nation of Israel in various ways, such as prohibiting State Department employees from referring to the Abraham Accords and changing the name of the office of Israel and Palestinian Affairs. Cruz argued that the harm coming from the Biden administration’s views on Israel is horrific.

Overall, Cruz made it clear that the Biden administration bears responsibility for the attack on Israel and the funding of Hamas. He condemned their response and their policies that undermine Israel’s sovereignty. Cruz’s passionate and detailed critique highlights the significant concerns conservatives have about the Biden administration’s stance on Israel.

Written by Staff Reports

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