
Cruz Torches Biden for Fueling Funds to Our Lethal Enemies!

The Republican senator from Texas, Ted Cruz, was unrelenting in his criticism of President Joe Biden's energy policies. Cruz criticized Biden for his hypocritical purchase of oil from "psychopathic maniacs" while opposing American production of oil and gas. Hurt.

More is said by Biden's deeds than his words. He revoked oil leases in Alaska that had been approved in the last days of the Trump administration and put up new rules to restrict energy output in the good ol' United States of America. The Keystone XL pipeline permit, which would have supported American energy independence and produced thousands of employment, was also rescinded by the President. However, it doesn't seem like the Biden administration is prioritizing that.

There was more from the Biden team. Additionally, they canceled the sale of an offshore lease and released new rules that restricted onshore drilling for natural gas and oil. It appears as though they harbor resentment towards American energy output. Perhaps they would rather get their oil from "psychopathic maniacs." Who can say?

The Biden administration relaxed sanctions against Iran, enabling the nation to export more oil, further inflicting harm. Not to be overlooked is the $6 billion in earnings that South Korea provided for humanitarian uses from the sale of Iranian oil. Helping those in need is admirable, but at what cost? particularly after Hamas' terrorist strike, which once again prevented Iran from accessing the funds. Not to be forgotten is Venezuela. Biden declared that in return for more oil output, the United States would lift its sanctions against Venezuela. Nevertheless, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro deferred an opposition leader's victory in the primary election rather than creating a win-win scenario. Not exactly an auspicious beginning for this oil agreement.

It is evident that Biden's energy strategy benefits some of the worst actors in the world while simultaneously harming American jobs and energy independence. And that's just plain crazy, my friends.

Written by Staff Reports

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