
Cuban Officials’ Secret TSA Tour at Miami Airport Sparks Outrage in Cuban-American Community

Five officials from Cuba’s communist regime stirred up a hubbub when they snuck their way into Miami’s International Airport for a hush-hush field trip hosted by the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). The clandestine tour, lasting around five hours, was part of alleged “law enforcement cooperation” between the two countries. It saw some Castro regime big shots snooping around TSA’s control spots that house their top-secret computer thingamajigs. The Miami Cuban community wasn’t pleased, feeling like they got caught with their pants down because apparently, no one dropped a hint about this covert visit.

The United States throws some major shade at Cuba, labeling them a State Sponsor of Terrorism for having BFF status with some scary groups like Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), Hezbollah, and the Colombian bad guys ELN and FARC. Cuba also pals around with Hamas and bashes Israel for keeping their guard up against attacks. Cuba hit the terrorism blacklist in 1982, then got a hall pass from Obama in 2015 before Trump went, “Wait a minute!” and put them back on in 2021. But now, Biden’s administration is like, “Nah, Cuba’s cool. They’re playing nice again.”

The Castro regime’s field trip came knocking on May 20, which is Cuban Independence Day – not that they celebrate it; they prefer to throw a party for an old terrorist attack Fidel Castro pulled off back in 1953. It looks like the folks in charge of airport security were caught off guard by these Cuban visitors, feeling some type of way about hosting officials from a country tagged as a terrorist sponsor.

The TSA swears up and down that they didn’t spill any top-secret beans to the Cuban officials during the airport walkabout. The TSA mentioned the Cubans only caught a glimpse of the everyday stuff regular folks see at the airport security checkpoint – nothing to write home about. They even mentioned rolling out the red carpet for other VIP guests from different countries, like Antigua, Barbados, Spain, and Brazil. Looks like the TSA is quite the popular host lately!

Political heavyweights like Sen. Marco Rubio and Rep. Carlos Gimenez were not having it. They raised a ruckus over what they called a colossal blunder by the Biden administration, giving thumbs up for Cuban officials to snoop around Miami’s airport security. Even Miami-Dade Commissioner Kevin Marino Cabrera chimed in, calling the visit a foolish stunt and accusing the administration of being easily duped by the Cuban regime’s propaganda. Looks like this airport escapade stirred up quite the hornet’s nest!

Written by Staff Reports

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